Monday, February 21, 2011

A Woman With Short Neck

for Coconut: a look at your pockets;)

The Love Coconut has tagged me and so I must now show probably my whole bags : D I have quite a few bags (collecting instinct, shame), but I'm trying to reduce my consumption really, as I wrote on Friday, and vow to improve. I now have more than enough even first choice for the next few years ^ ^

not I've photographed all that I own. buried in some boxes and shallows, I have several other (and my taste Stil hat sich halt in meiner Jugend auch ständig gewandelt^^), die ich demnächst mal ausmisten und irgendwie verkaufen oder verschenken werde, aber die, die ich euch jetzt zeige, hängen zur Zeit in meinem Flur und werden auch mehr oder weniger regelmäßig herumgetragen ;)


Fangen wir an mit einem meiner Lieblinge. Diesem Schätzchen. Es ist tatsächlich ein Unikat, denn ich habe es vor 2 Jahren oder so, für ich glaube nicht viel mehr als 10 €, in einem UK Ebay Shop gekauft, in dem 2 nette Damen lauter selbstgenähten Kram verkauft haben. Die Tasche ist winzig klein und ich habe immer Angst, dass ich einen der Anker verliere, wenn ich sie Abends zum Weggehen take with me, so I use them quite rare. But only because I love it so ^ ^


The Ebay is also a relatively new and not soo often. I find them in appearance and totally super Even better: I got them for free. I had complained to the ebay seller because the front has a small hole, see photo, and also soooo smelly disgusting to cigarette smoke is that I almost GE would have ... well: D did I actually expected that the sales person told me NEN small discount there, but he gave me easy and refunded the money and said I can keep it. I found very nice, but a slightly I had a guilty conscience, while I am complaining very friendly! ^ ^


have the I at my 19th Birthday in a medieval Christmas market itself given. I think they are sooo beautiful. As also fits better than a lot in, but it fits containing only tend to subdued outfits, otherwise it looks as fast as a clown: D


My prom handbag: D Yes, you read that right ^ ^ My mom I wanted a and give I've been thinking, I would rather be searchable from one that I wear after that happy when some bimbo part. The bag is small and perfectly to leave, but it fits but much more pure than you think ^ ^ I of this part have sooo loved and worn ever day, unfortunately, now is the zipper is broken and a pit bull puppy has a bite a small hole: D Therefore, it is not so often with it, but is but one of my favorites \u0026lt;3 is the way of H & M, I think € 7 back then and of course it is leather ^ ^


One of my oldest. Nearly 5 years old, from Lindex. I think the store no longer exists. Of course, leather. I have nothing at all in leather I think ^ ^ The case went through a lot, was with me in Prague, where the zipper was broken and then a classmate to me it was indeed started to rise again, but somehow only upside and since then she goes on a bit heavier. Anyway, I love them despite the flaws that she has now and use it often still.


One of my favorite everyday bags. I like the fringe, but I lieeebe pouch pockets. Reminds me somehow of the Middle Ages: D too, fits an amazing amount of pure and I bought them from NEM good six months to replace my beloved but badly worn prom bag from the top ... Even H & M, 7 € or so


One of my newer ones. Primark, 7 €. I like them, it fits much in, but still it is pretty slim. In mid-January bought \u0026lt;3


also Primark, 5 €. Ideal By taking only the most necessary. I drag around with what is probably the most \u0026lt;3


And finally, people like her have done it ^ ^, 2 of my many beloved bag. Yes, I belong to those who replace normal handbags often times against cloth bag. They are just smart, it is what great on it, it can fit inside lots and you can cram into one another to be able to carry around even more: D

So, that's it, I hope it is before you and especially you, like Coconut,;)


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