keel running or reaching into the toilet
1:19 sollten es Minimum werden.. daraus geworden ist der Zweifel, den Marathon in Essen in 4 Wochen to run at all. Set up the first lap I was still in 39:48, but even between miles 4 and 6, where it is to climb a mountain summit in northern Germany, I could tell that I have to bite today. At km 12, then first came the thought out increase. A short time later, the desire to leave it be all and go home. But I could struggle through to try from km 13 still 8k MRI, but even that was nothing. So, I jogged the last mile more or less to the finish and felt a bit ridiculous if all the cheers of the spectators. I quickly saw certainly not out ..
What's going on? I do not know, only suspect. Muscular I was just dull, the legs were heavy as lead after the first round. Obs has been lying to the race-flops that I wore? Probably not. Weather was perfect, fast runners were in the field, really good conditions. And yet there was nothing, even though I was faster, at least during the warm-up as the top African runners - like all amateur runners should that be thought?
I guess I do not speak well to the training of the last 3 months. No, I suspect not all. I wanted to get away from a strict periodization: basis, hills and speed, then race pace, and finally tapering. Not more than 150 km in a week and do not speed, but rather to 130k and speed drills and sprints, the increasingly longer and become more intense, until they become more competitive specific. First sounds reasonable. But is it good for me, because actually all the preparation I have any aches and pains and I never really fresh. The highly acclaimed hill sprints can make me any more because I had problems with the tendons in the knee - now I can not even make a cross-legged. Then began my shin problems also plague me again and back pain. My whole musculoskeletal system is rigid, inflexible. There is something so wrong. Foundational. Of course, we had a hard time with Finn, I have slept many nights too little and came seldom more than 6 hours sleep. All then obviously not the ideal training.
Now the question is how to deal with them. I will place in the next 4 weeks focus on the Q units rested with marathon pace and fresh deal, and my weight again to press 2kg. Maybe I'll even sprinkle a competition to me to get some confidence, but I do not know how to install something in the next 4 weeks. Let's see ..
I hope to reach as something to eat in can. And then I see more then what happens this winter ..
Update: 15 minutes after this post I suffered a massive cramp in the back of the thigh. Ich kenne Krämpfe, meist dauern diese ein paar Sekunden an und wenn ich die Haltun verändere, gibt es sich. Dieser dauerte aber fort, selbst aufstehen und bewegen änderte nichts. Äußerst schmerzhaft und immer wieder abklingend dauerte dieses Szenario etwa 5 min. Gerade eben, ca. 1 h später, ereilte mich ein Krampf im linken Fuß.. wtf?
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