Today I am the first time ran for 8 days break from running for half an hour easy. It feels amazingly good and yet not strange, as I felt after the last long break. Since Saturday, I feel no more pressure on the shin and I have already felt the days before a tingling in the legs. Nice that it is "running again" ..
My goal for this week is a rather modest: 1h can run stress-free is the motto. I will take it easy, that I've made anyway. Unlimited mileage requirements, sondern Zeitrahmen. Ich habe mir das schon letzten Winter vorgenommen, das ging aber recht schnell in die Hose, als ich wieder anfing, "Kilometer zu sammeln". Ich neige dazu, am Ende der Woche eine bestimmte Zahl stehen zu haben. Seien es runde Kilometer oder eine bestimmte Zahl wie bspw. 140 km. Dafür hab ich schon den ein oder anderen Umweg gedreht, der vielleicht nicht Not getan hätte und evtl. zu anstrengend war. Die nächsten Wochen werde ich jedenfalls versuchen, Lydiards zeitbasierten Plan einzuhalten bzw. erstmal, diesen zu erfüllen:
Mo 60 min aerob
Di 90 min aerob
Mi 60 min easy farlek
Do 90 min aerob
Fr 60 min jog
Sa 120+ min aerob
So 90 min aerob
Wenn ich die Zeitvorgabe erfülle, werde ich flotter laufen, versuchen in Nähe des "steady state" zu kommen. Aber bis dahin ist noch Zeit...
Was sich ändern wird sind die Anzahl der Einheiten; ich werde weniger "doubles" absolvieren, dafür wieder öfter längere "kurze" Einheiten. Der Grund ist in erster Linie Zeitersparnis, besonders auf logistischer Ebene. Denn da ich das mit dem Laufen hin und von Arbeit verband, war einiges von Planung vonnöten, was im Nachhinein sehr stressig war. Desweiteren werde ich weniger "back-to-back hard days" machen. Oft habe ich in der Vergangenheit nach einer Tempo-oder Hügeleinheit noch einen längeren Lauf gemacht. Während meiner letzten Vorbereitung sogar recht regelmäßg. And when I look back on my shin splint-history look, it was often the unit that preceded the initial complaints. There were these runs where I've despite high muscular fatigue still pulled through a long or medium length run. At the end of runs or even before I was often on the run noticeably muscular style flat, could not run correctly. I think this muscular fatigue in connection with another load for the congestion, which then leads to inflammation of the periosteum, in charge. And I remember exactly how I run with my long 27k +10% at a speed of MRI'm durchbbrettert despite muscular fatigue. And the thought easy to make and time to return home, he kammir already and I just ignored habs in traditional training plan fulfillment mania .. with the known consequences. With Lydiard I had last winter, despite the high volumes and weeks of snow no problem. Hopefully this year goes like that. Happy .. but without the snow
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Building A Wooden Model Car
small conciliatory conclusion and an outlook
relatively spontaneously, I decided yesterday in Wilster to start on 10k. The weather was very changeable: heavy rain alternated with sunshine relatively quickly, every 5 min again. This was made possible the very strong wind that was constantly passing by rain clouds. The track was a 5k circuit through the dense town Wilster. A lot of car traffic and had bad road closures are part of an adventure going through the close-knit road network. But this was the route fairly flat and the wind blew not constant. I started to 3:36 / km, and after 3 to 4 km tired again - that I know that somewhere. get off the idea of \u200b\u200bshort-run the 5k but then the thought that this would be my last race this year presumptuous. So attack and targeted at the No. 3 runner lying before me. At km 6 or 7, I had him then and I had almost amazingly so far have not lost much momentum, the average was still below 3:40 / km. Minimum target was under 36:30 and that was it. So gas on the last kilometers, and at 8 km past at No. 3 From miles 9 drew Tim (Mr me ausgespurtet already at the HM in Neumünster in the final kilometer) then back again and I could not counter. But no matter, it was reconciled with 36:28 on the finish line on the muddy dirt track in Wilster and I go so halfway into the early break.
Otherwise? I'm sick today: neck pain, runny nose, sneezing, listlessness. In this respect, once again, now get out and pause a few days is probably the right decision.
And how are you on? I want to use the next few intensive days to try fasting. Something that I otherwise because of my training was exhausting but not available until now. Maybe I would like to report here a bit. And then in the building for the spring marathon, which this year for me is already in March. What does that mean? 8 weeks "aerobic conditioning," 4 weeks "hill phase, 4 weeks' anaerobic development" followed by 4 weeks "coordination" and 2 weeks "taper". .. If known
I opted for Lydiard because I so in the past did spring to the full marathon, a big jump, less from the time the marathon race itself forth. I also see there's a lot of potential for improvement and I sense to know where I can "tune" or things. What does that mean exactly, I will discuss further here. And I also I messed up something for the training of the past weeks and months again the mood for something more rigorous periodization. And I am especially happy, and that may sound strange to 8 weeks "aerobic conditioning.
relatively spontaneously, I decided yesterday in Wilster to start on 10k. The weather was very changeable: heavy rain alternated with sunshine relatively quickly, every 5 min again. This was made possible the very strong wind that was constantly passing by rain clouds. The track was a 5k circuit through the dense town Wilster. A lot of car traffic and had bad road closures are part of an adventure going through the close-knit road network. But this was the route fairly flat and the wind blew not constant. I started to 3:36 / km, and after 3 to 4 km tired again - that I know that somewhere. get off the idea of \u200b\u200bshort-run the 5k but then the thought that this would be my last race this year presumptuous. So attack and targeted at the No. 3 runner lying before me. At km 6 or 7, I had him then and I had almost amazingly so far have not lost much momentum, the average was still below 3:40 / km. Minimum target was under 36:30 and that was it. So gas on the last kilometers, and at 8 km past at No. 3 From miles 9 drew Tim (Mr me ausgespurtet already at the HM in Neumünster in the final kilometer) then back again and I could not counter. But no matter, it was reconciled with 36:28 on the finish line on the muddy dirt track in Wilster and I go so halfway into the early break.
Otherwise? I'm sick today: neck pain, runny nose, sneezing, listlessness. In this respect, once again, now get out and pause a few days is probably the right decision.
And how are you on? I want to use the next few intensive days to try fasting. Something that I otherwise because of my training was exhausting but not available until now. Maybe I would like to report here a bit. And then in the building for the spring marathon, which this year for me is already in March. What does that mean? 8 weeks "aerobic conditioning," 4 weeks "hill phase, 4 weeks' anaerobic development" followed by 4 weeks "coordination" and 2 weeks "taper". .. If known
I opted for Lydiard because I so in the past did spring to the full marathon, a big jump, less from the time the marathon race itself forth. I also see there's a lot of potential for improvement and I sense to know where I can "tune" or things. What does that mean exactly, I will discuss further here. And I also I messed up something for the training of the past weeks and months again the mood for something more rigorous periodization. And I am especially happy, and that may sound strange to 8 weeks "aerobic conditioning.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Macbook Built-in Camera
Food - Over and out
The tibia is more painful, which does not allow marathon-specific training. I think it goes back, then comes back to the pulsating pain. At the beginning of the run leg presses at the end of the run I feel nothing. I have no nerves on this continuous ups and downs and I know after a few days pretty certain that will not subside when I walk on.
Second, the motivation in the basement, not only because of the keel run, but for the entire course of preparation.
Wird Zeit für eine Pause! Samstag werde ich noch einen Abschlusswettkampf reindrücken und mich dann erstmal aufs Rennrad verdrücken. Wenn ich ehrlich bin, bin ich erleichtert, dass ich mich zu dieser Entscheidung durchgerungen habe. Ich fühle mich in diesem Zyklus mehr unwohl als wohl mit meinem Gelaufe, verbinde die letzten Wochen und Monate eher mit zähem Aufraffen müssens und das kann es nicht sein.
Davon, wie es dann weitergeht, habe ich eine ungefähre Vorstellung. Aber dafür ist es jetzt zu früh, beizeiten dann mehr!
The tibia is more painful, which does not allow marathon-specific training. I think it goes back, then comes back to the pulsating pain. At the beginning of the run leg presses at the end of the run I feel nothing. I have no nerves on this continuous ups and downs and I know after a few days pretty certain that will not subside when I walk on.
Second, the motivation in the basement, not only because of the keel run, but for the entire course of preparation.
Wird Zeit für eine Pause! Samstag werde ich noch einen Abschlusswettkampf reindrücken und mich dann erstmal aufs Rennrad verdrücken. Wenn ich ehrlich bin, bin ich erleichtert, dass ich mich zu dieser Entscheidung durchgerungen habe. Ich fühle mich in diesem Zyklus mehr unwohl als wohl mit meinem Gelaufe, verbinde die letzten Wochen und Monate eher mit zähem Aufraffen müssens und das kann es nicht sein.
Davon, wie es dann weitergeht, habe ich eine ungefähre Vorstellung. Aber dafür ist es jetzt zu früh, beizeiten dann mehr!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Blood In Cervical Mucus For Two Days
And then there's the shin ..
Nachdem ich Montag nur wenig und gestern gar nicht laufen war, haben sich meine Schienbeinproblme wieder sehr deutlich zu Wort gemeldet. Wie schon a few weeks ago when I had to pause at two aufeianderfolgenden days, the complaints seem to have a rest day reveal.
makes me somewhat pensive if the launch from food and I have my starting place in the Runners World forum times made available for delivery. If the starting area of interest to someone, he can have you. If not, then I bite through me and just go with a condition necessary for food. But after all the botched training of the last time and the physical ailments I was almost glad I can safely take a break. The motivation is not currently very high, and then sometimes just 600 km journey to take me to wages board - I do not know if it's worth it.
Mal schauen, wie es sich die nächsten Tage entwickelt. Ich werde nicht hartes im Training machen, eventuell fahre ich am Sonntag aber nach Bordesholm, um an einem Wettkampf über 17k teilzunehmen. Mich im Training für einen langen Lauf mit M-Pace aufzuraffen fällt mir derzeit schwer, da würde ich lieber einen Wettkampf dazu nutzen.
Alles wird gut.. irgendwie.
Nachdem ich Montag nur wenig und gestern gar nicht laufen war, haben sich meine Schienbeinproblme wieder sehr deutlich zu Wort gemeldet. Wie schon a few weeks ago when I had to pause at two aufeianderfolgenden days, the complaints seem to have a rest day reveal.
makes me somewhat pensive if the launch from food and I have my starting place in the Runners World forum times made available for delivery. If the starting area of interest to someone, he can have you. If not, then I bite through me and just go with a condition necessary for food. But after all the botched training of the last time and the physical ailments I was almost glad I can safely take a break. The motivation is not currently very high, and then sometimes just 600 km journey to take me to wages board - I do not know if it's worth it.
Mal schauen, wie es sich die nächsten Tage entwickelt. Ich werde nicht hartes im Training machen, eventuell fahre ich am Sonntag aber nach Bordesholm, um an einem Wettkampf über 17k teilzunehmen. Mich im Training für einen langen Lauf mit M-Pace aufzuraffen fällt mir derzeit schwer, da würde ich lieber einen Wettkampf dazu nutzen.
Alles wird gut.. irgendwie.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Vitamin B Complex For Facial Eczema
Possible explanation ..
Abgeschlagenheit, Hitzewallung, Halsschmerzen. Gestern meine Frau, heute Nachmittag ich. Wenn keine Erklärung für die miese Leistung gestern, so denn wenigstens eine Rechtfertigung ;-)
Abgeschlagenheit, Hitzewallung, Halsschmerzen. Gestern meine Frau, heute Nachmittag ich. Wenn keine Erklärung für die miese Leistung gestern, so denn wenigstens eine Rechtfertigung ;-)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Kates Playground Entire Collection
keel running or reaching into the toilet
1:19 sollten es Minimum werden.. daraus geworden ist der Zweifel, den Marathon in Essen in 4 Wochen to run at all. Set up the first lap I was still in 39:48, but even between miles 4 and 6, where it is to climb a mountain summit in northern Germany, I could tell that I have to bite today. At km 12, then first came the thought out increase. A short time later, the desire to leave it be all and go home. But I could struggle through to try from km 13 still 8k MRI, but even that was nothing. So, I jogged the last mile more or less to the finish and felt a bit ridiculous if all the cheers of the spectators. I quickly saw certainly not out ..
What's going on? I do not know, only suspect. Muscular I was just dull, the legs were heavy as lead after the first round. Obs has been lying to the race-flops that I wore? Probably not. Weather was perfect, fast runners were in the field, really good conditions. And yet there was nothing, even though I was faster, at least during the warm-up as the top African runners - like all amateur runners should that be thought?
I guess I do not speak well to the training of the last 3 months. No, I suspect not all. I wanted to get away from a strict periodization: basis, hills and speed, then race pace, and finally tapering. Not more than 150 km in a week and do not speed, but rather to 130k and speed drills and sprints, the increasingly longer and become more intense, until they become more competitive specific. First sounds reasonable. But is it good for me, because actually all the preparation I have any aches and pains and I never really fresh. The highly acclaimed hill sprints can make me any more because I had problems with the tendons in the knee - now I can not even make a cross-legged. Then began my shin problems also plague me again and back pain. My whole musculoskeletal system is rigid, inflexible. There is something so wrong. Foundational. Of course, we had a hard time with Finn, I have slept many nights too little and came seldom more than 6 hours sleep. All then obviously not the ideal training.
Now the question is how to deal with them. I will place in the next 4 weeks focus on the Q units rested with marathon pace and fresh deal, and my weight again to press 2kg. Maybe I'll even sprinkle a competition to me to get some confidence, but I do not know how to install something in the next 4 weeks. Let's see ..
I hope to reach as something to eat in can. And then I see more then what happens this winter ..
Update: 15 minutes after this post I suffered a massive cramp in the back of the thigh. Ich kenne Krämpfe, meist dauern diese ein paar Sekunden an und wenn ich die Haltun verändere, gibt es sich. Dieser dauerte aber fort, selbst aufstehen und bewegen änderte nichts. Äußerst schmerzhaft und immer wieder abklingend dauerte dieses Szenario etwa 5 min. Gerade eben, ca. 1 h später, ereilte mich ein Krampf im linken Fuß.. wtf?
1:19 sollten es Minimum werden.. daraus geworden ist der Zweifel, den Marathon in Essen in 4 Wochen to run at all. Set up the first lap I was still in 39:48, but even between miles 4 and 6, where it is to climb a mountain summit in northern Germany, I could tell that I have to bite today. At km 12, then first came the thought out increase. A short time later, the desire to leave it be all and go home. But I could struggle through to try from km 13 still 8k MRI, but even that was nothing. So, I jogged the last mile more or less to the finish and felt a bit ridiculous if all the cheers of the spectators. I quickly saw certainly not out ..
What's going on? I do not know, only suspect. Muscular I was just dull, the legs were heavy as lead after the first round. Obs has been lying to the race-flops that I wore? Probably not. Weather was perfect, fast runners were in the field, really good conditions. And yet there was nothing, even though I was faster, at least during the warm-up as the top African runners - like all amateur runners should that be thought?
I guess I do not speak well to the training of the last 3 months. No, I suspect not all. I wanted to get away from a strict periodization: basis, hills and speed, then race pace, and finally tapering. Not more than 150 km in a week and do not speed, but rather to 130k and speed drills and sprints, the increasingly longer and become more intense, until they become more competitive specific. First sounds reasonable. But is it good for me, because actually all the preparation I have any aches and pains and I never really fresh. The highly acclaimed hill sprints can make me any more because I had problems with the tendons in the knee - now I can not even make a cross-legged. Then began my shin problems also plague me again and back pain. My whole musculoskeletal system is rigid, inflexible. There is something so wrong. Foundational. Of course, we had a hard time with Finn, I have slept many nights too little and came seldom more than 6 hours sleep. All then obviously not the ideal training.
Now the question is how to deal with them. I will place in the next 4 weeks focus on the Q units rested with marathon pace and fresh deal, and my weight again to press 2kg. Maybe I'll even sprinkle a competition to me to get some confidence, but I do not know how to install something in the next 4 weeks. Let's see ..
I hope to reach as something to eat in can. And then I see more then what happens this winter ..
Update: 15 minutes after this post I suffered a massive cramp in the back of the thigh. Ich kenne Krämpfe, meist dauern diese ein paar Sekunden an und wenn ich die Haltun verändere, gibt es sich. Dieser dauerte aber fort, selbst aufstehen und bewegen änderte nichts. Äußerst schmerzhaft und immer wieder abklingend dauerte dieses Szenario etwa 5 min. Gerade eben, ca. 1 h später, ereilte mich ein Krampf im linken Fuß.. wtf?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Delhi Adventure Island Ticket Price
What else? Well ...
Der Rest der Woche verlief eher mau. Ich habe den mangelden Schlaf gemerkt, war unfit, müde und habe gedacht, ich werde alt.. die Knoche schmerzen, mein Schienbein murrt, am Freitag und Samstag Rückenschmerzen. Und richtig viel Schlaf bekomm ich immer noch nicht. Aber jammern hilft nix. So lief der Rest der letzten Woche:
Do: AM 8k easy; PM 12k easy
Fr: AM 7,5k easy; PM 16,5k progressiv
Sa: AM 7,5k easy; PM 11,5k easy
So: 30k @4:40
Sonntag waren 30k mit 3*7k Marathontempo geplant, aber ich hab mich schon nach der ersten Wiederholung mau gefühlt, also hab ichs nach 5k der zweiten gut sein lassen und bin nur noch auf Distanz gelaufen. Insgesamt eine vermurkste Woche bis auf die 10k, insbesondere wegen der Schmerzen in Schienbein und Rücken. Komischerweise tauchten die Schienbeinbeschwerden nach den zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Ruhetagen auf..
Und so lief die Woche bisher:
Mo: 7k easy
Di: 19k mit 4*3000 bei 3:47;3:47;3:48;3:48
Mi: 15k easy
Do: 20k mit 15k@3:59/km and 87% HF
The tempo units were finally both good, I seem to slow my pace goal draufzukriegen. Unfortunately, the pain in the shin is more there, so I take out some extent and not as planned 140, but will only run 120k. I will keep this somewhat lower level until the end of the preparation, because I feel that I have something "over the edge" am. Now it is important that the quality units fit well, the mileage is not what matters.
And that is planned for the rest of the week:
Fri: 9k Easy
Sat: 32k Crescende with 3 * 10k in 5:00, 4:30; 4:00
Sun: 2 * 9k easy
morning is my last working day I have two weeks vacation. I am a week in Denmark and then on Sunday is at the Kiel run. I hope I can get my sleep stint back on its feet and relax me. The holiday I've certainly not only physically but also mentally necessary!
Der Rest der Woche verlief eher mau. Ich habe den mangelden Schlaf gemerkt, war unfit, müde und habe gedacht, ich werde alt.. die Knoche schmerzen, mein Schienbein murrt, am Freitag und Samstag Rückenschmerzen. Und richtig viel Schlaf bekomm ich immer noch nicht. Aber jammern hilft nix. So lief der Rest der letzten Woche:
Do: AM 8k easy; PM 12k easy
Fr: AM 7,5k easy; PM 16,5k progressiv
Sa: AM 7,5k easy; PM 11,5k easy
So: 30k @4:40
Sonntag waren 30k mit 3*7k Marathontempo geplant, aber ich hab mich schon nach der ersten Wiederholung mau gefühlt, also hab ichs nach 5k der zweiten gut sein lassen und bin nur noch auf Distanz gelaufen. Insgesamt eine vermurkste Woche bis auf die 10k, insbesondere wegen der Schmerzen in Schienbein und Rücken. Komischerweise tauchten die Schienbeinbeschwerden nach den zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Ruhetagen auf..
Und so lief die Woche bisher:
Mo: 7k easy
Di: 19k mit 4*3000 bei 3:47;3:47;3:48;3:48
Mi: 15k easy
Do: 20k mit 15k@3:59/km and 87% HF
The tempo units were finally both good, I seem to slow my pace goal draufzukriegen. Unfortunately, the pain in the shin is more there, so I take out some extent and not as planned 140, but will only run 120k. I will keep this somewhat lower level until the end of the preparation, because I feel that I have something "over the edge" am. Now it is important that the quality units fit well, the mileage is not what matters.
And that is planned for the rest of the week:
Fri: 9k Easy
Sat: 32k Crescende with 3 * 10k in 5:00, 4:30; 4:00
Sun: 2 * 9k easy
morning is my last working day I have two weeks vacation. I am a week in Denmark and then on Sunday is at the Kiel run. I hope I can get my sleep stint back on its feet and relax me. The holiday I've certainly not only physically but also mentally necessary!
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