Sunday, January 16, 2011

How Long Before Shower After Jergens

Creative Images

as mentioned before, I was in fact long ago recognized the passion of beautiful pictures . We see these images again and again on blogs, sometimes only on paper, these beautiful scarves preferred VintageBildchen, on bags, in Charms, and where ever they find their place. The Creativity is limitless, and one of my favorite pictures I'd show you here. This fact has a little bit of history:

The cow! This time it's not the stupid cow, no, I've even something you made of my little time to make this picture. I like that is not cows, I get cold sweats and even leave his hands, even if they are 500 meters far away from me. But for that I like spiders and other Kleinkriechtier, keep everybody has their preferences!
My dear mother has invited us for a long long time for a mountain vacation. My son was about 2 Years old and we are with the buggy up the hill to one of those beautiful, clear mountain lakes. We wanted to recover from the climb, take a small snack and enjoy the view, but we were not alone. A herd of cows has gone comfortably to a new pasture and a darling pup has a crush on us! Sun cow's eyes also are sweet, large Klupschaugen, a sweet Goscherl will stare but after a few minutes the thing a bit odd or not? He has not moved from the spot and he was already all alone without its herd and was still as fascinated by us. Woman ignored Schwiemu ignored and his son has enjoyed playing. Only when he was young animal is moving in our direction, because the situation was somewhat different. I am a mother, in all situations you think only of your child - (! Best regards to you) to be honest not to Schwiemu - and I have begun to retreat. But where we were at the lake! chased by the young animal with a flailing Schwiemu I'm including the buggy into the water ready for anything! and lo and behold, young animals are like young men afraid of water!! Lucky or not? Because as we all the way back down into the valley we had some such derartigen KuhVorfälle! Zum Beispiel mußten wir durch eine abgezäunte, öffentlich begehbar, Weide - keine Kuh weit und breit, kaum drinnen hat der Bauer seine Kühe aus dem Stall gelassen und diese kamen munter und fröhlich die Weide herunter gelaufen - Panik! also schnell einen Zahn zugelegt und raus. Ein paar hundert Meter weiter ein kleines Brückchen, wer traf sich dort? richtig: ein paar Kühe, standen einfach nur dort. Meine Schwiemu bereits für solche Situationen gewappnet, hat sich einen Holzstecken ergriffen und nach bäuerlicher Manier die Kühe auseinander getrieben! geschafft, aber noch lange nicht alles ausgestanden. Fast am Ende des Weges angelangt, stand oben am Waldrand eine Kuh ganz alone and it seems she has been waiting for this moment. Galloping she came running towards us! Three human beings on a path alone, only nature around us and what makes this stupid cow - is stormed to us. Honestly I was done with the nerves, I just want to escape everything. Shortly before they are then stopped, stood around just simply stupid and was looking at us - as do cows like to stop! My Schwiemu tested in the "cow fight off with a stick 'was a well-defended, but it could be the cow, so once nachzuschwingen briefly with her huge head! But now only in the car and never ever ever again on a mountain pasture! We shall also be healthy to Auto increased, probably drove off with the nerves at the end and as we do what maschiert all alone on the street screaming about ........... a cow!
Well, since I was never on a mountain farm, there will never again go on holiday, but often times it is still on my plate!
Now it was about time to give her this picture and maybe I can meet her now with other eyes! (Incidentally, I had to cows as a child a good relationship, because my grandparents have operated a farm!)

So, after so many lines I wish you a nice week!
Best regards


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