Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Goodyear Discoverer Tires


Kreuzheben Video

Der folgende Text stammt im Original von Mike Robertson und wurde von Meddl ins deutsche übersetzt. Da er sehr ausführlich die richtige Kreuzhebe technik treats, I need it no other words to lose.

The relevance of Football: course is an excellent exercise deadlift to build strength in the legs and torso area. I personally had this exercise, the early years (before I started with football) constantly in my training schedule. The last two years I have been omitted in this and take care of me on other things (moving core, ...) is concentrated, but they have re-integrated into my current plan. IF you have squats and good exercises for the trunk in the plan, then you can dispense with this exercise -> that is Geschmackssache und kommt auf den Trainingsplan darauf an. Bei einem 2er Split würde ich (bzw. habe ich früher) die Intensität bei beiden Übungen – Kniebeugen und Kreuzheben – wochenweiße gewechselt, v.a. wenn man beide Übungen am gleichen Tag ausführt. Über längere Zeit werdet ihr nämlich draufkommen, dass ihr nicht jede Woche schwer heben und beugen könnt. Entweder ihr streut dann z.B. einmal im Monat eine leichtere Woche (mit regenerativem heben und beugen) ein, oder ihr alterniert die Intensität -> sprich eine Woche schwer heben / leicht beugen und nächste Woche umgekehrt.

Ansonsten gilt das gleiche wie I have written on the last article about the squat -> the power comes from the legs, preventing injuries to his back and fight the stork legs.

Now to the article "Precision Pulling"

http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do; id = 459 964

lift or die

If I hear again any personal trainer or fitness enthusiast, "that he practiced no deadlift because he did not want to hurt his back, could my next Article from behind Swedish curtains. I can not stand this crap anymore.

The truth is that lifting bow, like, just hard work. If you want to be no wider and stronger, or want to spend time in the gym pay, then read on, because this article is not for you. can do otherwise, if you're not afraid of a little sweat shed before to improve your strength and physique, then read on and see what "Precision Pulling for you.

Roughly speaking, there is only the Olympic exercises that appeal to more muscle than the deadlift. I love the Oly-lifts, but to be honest, most People did not have the time and the resources to learn and to experience its benefits. Therefore, the deadlift is (or "pull" or "lift", as I will call it in the course) an excellent choice to give you mountains of muscles and make your whole body strong.

short: Unless you lift, you do not train properly.

The 9 best tips for Deadlift:
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are now some statements to lift really heavy. There may be some issues here that I left out the benefit of brevity, but with the can follow these tips and you will bring your lifting to another level.

first ran heels close, weight on the heels
When I visited the USAPL Men's Championship this year, I saw some of the freaky lift the entire nation. One such lifter was Greg Page, a 67.5 he (Gewichtsklasse!), the mad 262.5 kg drew on the competition. He later said that the most important is the lifting, the heels are as close as possible to the pole. I have not really understood until I tried it myself, but it works (especially the sumo lift)

To approach the heels as close as possible to bring it may be necessary to Feet to spin a little further to the outside .. Attempts at this time to bring your heel UNDER the bar. So you make sure that your shins are as close as possible to the rod, so you'll improve your Hebeweg before you even really begin to lift.

Note: the rod drags all the time on the legs along. The further you go away from the legs, the higher are the forces acting on the center of the body, which can subsequently lead to injuries.

second Deep breath, body center "tight" (pronounced tense as the knee bends)

This is actually pretty self-explanatory, but I'll explain it anyway.
if you already do, you need a deep breath and tighten your entire body middle. By that I mean, are you having your belly and your back so tense, as you would like boxed in the stomach. With the "bracing" as we call it you make sure that your whole body is ready to move maximal weight. If you want to know more about it check here (
http://www.t-nation.com/287squat.jsp ) where I also clarifying the issue.

Note: all Movement, go up from to go down to keep the excitement! A big mistake you can make is when you breathe out at the highest point and loses the tension in the body.

third Chin up, chest out
Make sure that whenever you make yourself ready to watch your eyes light up and your chest is stretched out (note: contract the shoulders back and not hang!). This rule is almost always relevant when it comes to strength training, but especially for the deadlift. This helps you not only keep your spine straight, but to move more weight.

I can tell you whether a Powerlifter does not create a try before it ever begins. This is because if he starts with a sunken chest. If this happens, the rod moves forward and your lower back has to work hard in addition to the bar on the right track to hold.
so you will end nearly a make Straight Legged Deadlift. Sliding instead distributed uniformly from the beginning to the chest out and up for the weight on the core muscles, ie, gluteus, hamstrings and back extensors.

4th Hips up.
It may sound strange to some, but to lift one should have the same hips and chest up. I try using this example to explain: it is easier or a half an Ass to the Grass to do squats? In order to understand most of what I mean. The body is biomechanically in a more advantageous position when the hips from the moment they are above. As this does not make squat backwards, but try to lift heavy weights, right?

5th Do not sit down
studies have shown that the stretch reflex after 4 seconds is no longer available. Some lifters are to begin to several seconds in the start position before at all. Big mistake!

You lose not only the stretch reflex, but can also keep any air if you're in the depths. Try it yourself: Take a deep breath, and take part in a few seconds, the start position. For some reason, it is difficult intra-abdominal pressure and intra-thoracic pressure to be maintained. If you do this, not only stability is thereby lost, but also power.

Note: The starting point is the following rod in the shins, upright posture (slightly arched back, so they can go as normal and is not a boss!). Then you go down until the rod engages with the hands, upper body (chest out, shoulders pulled back together and not be hanged, lightweight hollow back) is still just not yet unnecessarily deep go down with the butt.

6th Explode from the center.
I have read tons of articles on the deadlift. Some recommend the train with your legs to initiate, and thereby to ram into the ground, while others suggest the upper back and neck start. To be honest, both are right and that's why I think of both when I lift.

Imagine deadlift before an explosion from your body center. As soon as I "tight" I'm thinking "three, two, one" like a rocket launch, because at the same time I rammed my heels into the ground (which ensures that I am using my Glutes and hamstrings) and also with my will pull the neck and upper back to the rear (the bar close to your body helps to keep). If you take out

only one of those ideas you lose the benefits of the other. If one takes for example, only the upper back and traps, you tend to involve the legs correctly. If however you just rammed his legs into the ground does one often not the rod as close as desired on the body to perform as one might like to.

NB. Has lifted up to the bar at knee height, most of the work comes from the legs, the rod passing through the knee, twist your upper body, also with.

7. Drag FAST:
I was writing the great because it really is very important. If you try to lift heavy weights, why the hell should we try to do it slowly?
It makes absolutely no sense, but I keep seeing people "hochzuwuchten" trying hard Deadlifts piece by piece. It does not work.

This is in conjunction with the previous point: it should explode from the center of the rod and try to move as quickly as possible. Deadlift may not always look fast (especially because it has no stretch reflex or eccentric phase), but you should try it and do it as quickly as possible.

This is another point that I can not emphasize enough, but it comes at some point to fight. If you do not know what it means to fight, then you have never been moved serious weight. We talk about the moment when you feel that you no longer creates it, but then keep going up and fights the Weiderholung. 'It does not only stronger, but inspires confidence when you win the fight against the iron.

I do not mean that one should go in each set to the failure, but there are times when you lift really heavy, the speed decreases the bar further and further, one comes from the cycle and the one with the rod Fight.

It's up to you, but pull out the people that these heavy reps are the ones who are at the end at the widest point and move the huge weights.

9th Bring the right attitude:
The last and maybe most important part for lifting's is the setting.
are certainly some people genetically blessed with more weights than others to draw, but much depends on the setting of lift.

If you're a powerlifter you know the process: you make 3 maximum squats, three maximal tests on the bench and only then to get to the Deadlift. It is probably the heaviest lift and he makes at the end of the race if one is physically and mentally at the end. If you do not "just do not despair" attitude has to be struck not only by the competitors, but also on the weights.

Every time you have to be aggressive to stand out. If you've read over my objection at the beginning: the deadlift is damn hard. Those who are aggressive and confident and have a warrior mentality will always be successful, whether it is a new personal best in the gym or on the platform.

The Perfect Pull

Now that we have clarified all the points when it comes to lifting, let zusammentragen was zu einem wirklichen Kunstwerk wird: Gewichte, die die Stange durchbiegen mit absolut perfekter Technik zu heben.

Bevor du überhaupt an die Stange herantrittst mache dich mental und körperlich bereit loszulegen. Benutze Motivations-Techniken, wenn es angemessen ist. Wenn man im Gym trainiert würde ich darauf verzichten mein Nervensystem zu sehr zu strapazieren, da das viel Energie verbraucht. Wenn du aber eine persönliche Bestleistung anstrebst, dann wird das sicher deine Erregung verstärken und dich auf wirklich schweres Eisen vorbereiten. Geh auch auf jeden Fall alle Punkte was Technik angeht, auf die du dich speziell konzentrieren musst, durch.

Wenn du dann an die Stange herantrittst, versuche deine Fersen so nah wie möglich an und unter die Stange zu schieben. Wenn du das geschafft hast, denk daran deine Fersen in den Boden zu schrauben; Dies wird dir eine stabile Basis geben, von er du heben kannst. Deine Schienbeine sollten nah sein oder die Stange leicht berühren.

Packe jetzt die Stange mit einer bequemen Griffweite und quetsche sie so fest es geht mit deinen Händen während du deine Arme versteifst. Manche Leute nehmen einen Atemzug bevor sie überhaupt runter gehen, aber das funktioniert nicht immer, weil sie den Atem zu lange anhalten bevor sie überhaupt richtig bereit stehen.

Sobald deine Beine stabil stehen hast musst du deinen Oberkörper bereitmachen. Die Arme sollten steif sein und während You are about to make you ready do you take a big breath and do your whole body center "tight". From this point you are looking for your perfect position where your hips are high, but at the same time stretching out your chest and your lower back slightly arched back is. You may have to fight for the position, but it will be worth the effort. If you do not, then either your chest or be invaded, you can not fully use your legs, or your hip is too low and you make more of a squat hochzubekommen the weight. Once you have found this point you are set up and ready to lift.

Again, you have an explosion imagine from your center. You should at the same time ramming your heels through the ground during the same time as you draw your upper back to the rear. This will ensure both that you are at your lower extremities to their full potential exploits, but also along the bar close to your body lead. Hold the rod firmly and do not forget to pull on and on. The rod could be slow or perhaps even for a second coming to a halt, but no one has claimed that it would be easy. Drawing on and on and curl knees hips and shoulders at the same time, and celebrate what just happened: Precision lifting!


Lift is a full body exercise that pack up full of muscles and your total will increase by pounds. Be has no normal Pumper, the fear of deadlift, just because your buddy told what he would have gotten there on his back, what of it.

Think also always remember that the people who get hurt are the ever whose egos are bigger than their physique.

In the words of the infamous Louie Simmons: "Most of the exercises that are really absolutely sure, unfortunately, are completely useless!"


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