Hello dear readers:)
Thanks, that her lately have become so numerous! (Since this morning, even 100 when I did not leave a ^^.... again THANK YOU!)
makes me really happy and I'm currently really very much fun blogging ... And I also want you have more fun reading ... To do so now some thoughts from me: I personally find
es auf anderen Blogs manchmal sehr schade, dass man alte, interessante Posts nie oder erst nach Ewigkeiten entdeckt. Blogs sind eben nicht die übersichtlichsten Homepages, die es so gibt…
Ich habe mir daher in den letzten Tagen ein paar Gedanken dazu gemacht, was ich tun kann, um den Blog für Euch zumindest so übersichtlich wie möglich zu gestalten…
Ein Punkt, der bei mir vielleicht das Chaos noch verstärkt, ist ja, dass ich wirklich viele Themen ankratze. Kosmetik, Fotografie, Veganismus, Bücher, Raubzüge, Naturreligion und vieles mehr. Das finde ich persönlich auch gut so, denn das alles macht mich ja irgendwo auch aus und ich spüre jetzt auch keinen besonders starken Urge to split up somehow ... so many have a blog for private, one for cosmetics, one for photos, etc. Somehow I like it but so colorful and chaotic as it is the best. Is it also OK for you? Most vegan stuff and the recipes I post already on Vegan Nom and somehow I feel with 2 blogs too busy, more split I would hate to be honest ...: D
What I have now considered to make clear to all that are a few gadgets that have moved into my left sidebar ... For example, a Label Cloud. I will all future posts (and a few older later still) arranged in categories, then you can see what interests you from the label cloud and have it maybe a little clearer ...
I also have it set that in the sidebar can now see the last 10 comments, perhaps it is for you to recognize more easily whether I or someone else has replied to your comment ...
The most popular posts of the last 30 days I will now show as well, if you so what you missed, find how since then hopefully see very well;)
I would interested in whether you find it as good / better ... whether it is reasonably overviewed if I change anything urgent or even improve should:) I look forward to your opinions!
and other stuff with me and of course the cats bonus. Today: annoyed guck final Mephisto
.... and even a supplement to my Yves Rocher Tip yesterday: I now read that the action until next week Tuesday, including running! & Nice that apparently a couple of which could start with the tip:)
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