I just really very interesting on the ARTE Film "Now for the rubbish dump" on planned obsolescence and throwaway seen. The movie you can you view it online HERE . I must say the film has made me really think.
Planned obsolescence means that the products are produced on purpose so that they do not last very long, so we go on and on to new things kaufen. Das war schon früher so bei Strumpfhosen, heute ist es so bei Glühbirnen und es gibt tausend weitere Beispiele. Im Film wurde das Beispiel eines Druckers genannt, der einen Chip eingebaut hatte, welcher die gedruckten Seiten gezählt hat und nach einer bestimmten Anzahl dann einfach den Drucker quasi deaktiviert hat.
Mich macht das ziemlich wütend. Nicht nur, dass man sich als Konsument ziemlich verarscht vorkommt und man quasi gezwungen wird, mehr Geld auszugeben, denn manche Geräte braucht man eben heutzutage einfach, nein, die Gier nach Profit seitens der Firmen und Hersteller ist so groß, dass sie absichtlich in Kauf nehmen, dass ständig Produkte weggeschmissen werden. Das ist nicht nur Geldverschwendung, vor allem ist es Umweltverschmutzung hoch 10! Es wird so viel unnötiger Elektroschrott produziert, der die Erde wer weiß wie verschmutzt. Ordentlich entsorgt werden die Sachen dann natürlich auch nicht, nein sie werden in 3. Welt Länder gebracht, obwohl das eigentlich sogar verboten ist. Die Produzenten geben dann an, noch funktionstüchtige 2nd Hand Ware in diese Länder zu liefern, allerdings sind über 80 % der Waren einfach nur Schrott.
In diesen Ländern leben, wie wir alle wissen, viele Menschen in sehr ärmlichen Verhältnissen. Die Müllhalden, die die Industrieländer dort schaffen, sind für sie eine Möglichkeit, etwas Geld to earn, where they take things apart, burn some to come to the still usable metal components. Even kids do it often enough. These people breathe in toxic fumes in part so that they become extremely ill, they cut themselves on glass, etc. I just can not understand how can the manufacturers of these products, the moral responsibility at all? The people in the 3rd World countries drowning in electronic waste and some become seriously ill from the poisonous fumes ... And all because the companies still want to make more money and produce goods that go as fast break and produce a countless number of tons of waste and unnecessary? I can not really such a thing take, I knew that the electrical is often brought to Africa and havoc such damage, but that is produced by planned obsolescence so extremely much extra junk that I was not quite clear.
something makes me really sad, how can you be so only on its profits, without regard for the environment and other people? Above all, I am sure that the company would also take a different strategy very well. If they could produce that is really durable and high quality products, it would certainly not complaining about a higher price. But apparently the other tactic brings with it more money and everything else will matter ... Of course, the planned obsolescence created many jobs, and probably also the progress boosted ... Many products would otherwise be so today probably did not ... But it is justified for me absolutely not, because I think that it would have been otherwise achieved if perhaps more slowly and with a little less profit for the producers ...
Ehrlich, something shocked me really, while it's in farming, almost the same and actually I should surprise no longer exists ... But this report has me level again so perfectly clear from the face screaming, how selfish and ignorant people are. At least many of them.
Ich persönlich versuche ja schon, möglichst umweltfreundlich und nachhaltig zu leben. Wir sind jetzt auf Waschnüsse umgestiegen, dazu werde ich auch noch berichten, ich achte auch bei anderen Putzmitteln darauf, dass sie möglichst umweltschonend sind, wobei ich mir leider nicht ausschließlich Putzmittel aus dem Bio Laden leisten kann, aber auch DM und Discounter haben ja inzwischen “Grüne” Putzmittel Linien und die versuche ich verstärkt zu kaufen. Ich kaufe Bio wo ich kann, leider geht auch das finanziell nicht ausschließlich. Ich kaufe überwiegend Naturkosmetik usw. Aber das reicht mir persönlich nicht. Ich will so wenig wie möglich zu dieser Wegwerfgesellschaft gehören. Might sound strange, even here where I constantly raiding present and show you what I bought, but I try really like this never throw away! I buy cosmetics become more aware and I also buy only things I would really use up. Yesterday I ordered four shower gels yes, of course I do not need so many at once, but I will consume them all! I also buy only DeKo that I want to use up really, even clothes I never throw away or so, unless they are really broken, but use the collection of old clothes from the Red Cross or selling some 2nd hand on Ebay ... too, seems somehow even more too little, because if me an electrical device is really broken, then I throw it away and also produces much scrap ... Of course everyone makes, but I've got a bad conscience, because I simply find wrong. Above all, I think it is wrong that one is from the producers of consumer goods by such tactics almost forced and in many situations can not behave differently ... like a helpless puppet, somehow ...
I will still try to consume more consciously, I know I am here still far from perfect, but I am I can learn about it;) Only buy things that I would really use up or not after I must be thrown away, but for example, can continue to give away. I want to pay more attention to organic and environmental friendliness. I love nature and wish really nothing more than that the man she stops to destroy, but unfortunately you can bring as an individual, however, no wonder ... After all, I start small. If you do not have tips, bring it on;)
Perhaps all this is somewhere the reason why I have removed myself from the Youtube beauty scene. I love beauty still, I admit also, and also that I have more than you need, but in the YouTube community the part but got out of already very much and I will not let them anfixen longer and do not belong to it, even if I have never consumed as massive as, like many others, where I took it noticed. I do not belong to those who throw hundreds of lip glosses because they are bad at some point. What I have now, I can still use up, but I had to change my buying habits change and go down a bit. Youtube has since somehow a bad influence on many and I mean me, too! :) It's somewhere always a kind of peer pressure and advertising and before that we are all not 100% immune ...
I would be interested in your views and what do you think the movie if you saw him ...
I leave with a quote The world has enough for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed: from the aforementioned movie!
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