Sunday, February 27, 2011

Supermarket South Park

Today's Cocktails times only Cat-content



The Rack = favorite pastime








Habt einen schönen Sonntag!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Using Vaseline For Moles

What was, what's

a feeling for my rather modest marathon draws to a close. In some increases my spring peak, the Husum Marathon. I am in this preparation run as little as not been for years, but it was enough for a decent half-marathon performance.

retrospect viewed times a week ranges:

KW40 with 6 units at 64 km
KW41 with 6 units at 99 km
KW42 with 5 units at 102 km
KW43 with 6 units of 120 km
KW44 with 4 units at 33 km
KW45 with 7 units at 113 km
KW46 with 6 units at 121 km
KW47 with 6 units for 115 km with
KW48 7 units at 115 km
KW49 with 5 units at 70 km
KW50 with 6 units at 95 km
KW51 with 7 units of 100 km
KW52 with 6 units of 100 km
KW1 with 6 units at 93 km
KW2 with 6 units at 100 km
KW3 with 7 units at 90 km
KW4 with 7 units at 110 km
KW5 with 7 units of 100 km
KW6 with 7 units at 110 km
KW7 with 6 units at 106 km

The basis until week 49 actually ran the usual 1 to 2 medium and long long run. The hill phase was then mixed after 3 weeks with first rate spraying, because I to Husum not provided by Lydiard weeks were available. So also the subsequent rate period was only 3 short weeks, which then flowed into the competitions Drelsdorf over 10 and 15k. The Halbmarathonbestzeit in Drelsdorf came almost a surprise, because after such a modest preparation, I was not very optimistic.
The "race coordination phase" was actually how the whole preparation improvised and chaotic: here and there had to be canceled which could be shifted to fit the barrel not being planned. But now I am so experienced that since I rather give in and take out my reason. So I'm injury free then come through the preparation and then wait 7 days before Husum, that the tapering effect to work. He will do it and I'll probably not until race day to doubt that I even can run a marathon at a time. Well, just tapering .. Hein always seems to have disappeared by then the snow and the weather might not be quite as bad. Reason, therefore, to be not entirely pessimistic. Especially since at least run with two runners in my price range, what might make a not too lonely Marathon Run it

After the marathon, it takes three weeks in a very intense smoothness: rest and cross training is called for. I want to enable the liner and I bought on ebay an elliptical cross trainer. I can do more at home and did not constantly feel constantly miss Finn. 8 weeks Preparation me then stay in preparation for my first ultra run, the Rennsteig Super Marathon just over 73 km. For this phase at the weekend are a race of 5k planned to HM in the weeks and an extra long run or two "short" long runs on consecutive days. Two rest days, a lot of strength work and other cross-training to complete the whole. I'm curious to see what comes of that and look forward to the new territory!

Doujinshi Western In Ita

if i had a heart i could love you, if i had a voice I would sing


Mein Freund und ich waren gestern Abend noch ein wenig in der Stadt. Wir wollten eigentlich schwimmen gehen, haben es dann aber verschoben, da das Sprungturmbecken komplett von irgendwelchen Schwimmvereinen blockiert war^^ Als Entschädigung dafür waren wir dann noch etwas bummeln. Ich war bei Mutter Erde, einem unheimlich tollen Laden hier in Köln! Ein bisschen Esoterik angehaucht, mit total viel Naturkosmetik, Seifen, Badezusätzen, Tees usw. Hach, genau mein Shop. Since I have some time alone every now and again then I spend safely ne whole hour \u0026lt;3

I've bought two teas and a Dead Sea Soap Bomb Cosmetics. The Sleepy Time Tea is an aftermarket product that I had ever bought in Holland and he is totally delicious \u0026lt;3 They are also the most attractive packages of tea in the world! I was packed the whole thing into a beautiful Papptüte (with fox on it \u0026lt;3)



At Kaufhof, I have a few reduced items taken. For a total of € 3.35, so everything's alright: D

The Glam Metal Eyeliner is in brown by Essence now delisted * wrong * and I love him sooo: (Mine is running low, so I have for 95 cents, or take one of the paint has just cost a lot and is easy ne beautiful color, the powder has 1,.. € 45 cost and is very bright! light enough for me so I could not leave ^ ^


Since we had used up all the bath essences, we have at Karstadt also stocked up so


I love those things, unfortunately we never survive very long because my friend loves them at least as ^ ^


Dieses Buch haben wir uns geteilt, es ist eines der am schönsten aufgemachten, die ich je gesehen habe! Überall sind Briefe oder Bilder die Kurt gemacht hat, eingeklebt bzw herausnehmbar. Wir lieben Nirvana beide und haben das Buch jetzt endlich mal mitgenommen, angeschmachtet habe ich es vor über einem Jahr schon^^





Sticker! <3 Einer klebt schon auf meinem Laptop^^


Die seltsame Maske mit Blutspritzern drauf (auch aus dem Buch) mussten wir natürlich auch direkt austesten :D

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Unlock Pioneer Dv-220v

Hotel de Papillon

sounds like good! with a glass of red wine in a nice little bistro! a mild summer evening in Paris, people enjoy just a nice evening, the smell of fresh bread ................. wake up !!!!!! a cold winter evening in Burgenland, the straight man einheizen their stoves and a hot soup spoon ..... should look like! whatever, you can dream, yes! and when it once so far, then there is this lovely pocket here

I'm off times wood reloading and wish you a nice evening! Best regards Sabine

What To Write At A Bachelorette

designer furniture from my garden: D


Stand da auf einmal so rum :D Ziemlich cool, oder? Ich hab allerdings keine Ahnung, wer den dahin gestellt hat, aber scheinbar wollte derjenige ihn nicht mehr haben, denn er stand da schon recht lange rum ;) Wir haben ihn uns jetzt vorgestern Abend geschnappt und in unsere Wohnung geschleppt, sonst hätte ihn vielleicht noch der Hausmeister weggebracht :D Jetzt haben wir nen ziemlich coolen, neuen Sessel – hat ja nicht jeder *g*

Hatte ich euch übrigens schon erzählt, dass Dummheit echt weh tut? :D Ich hab mir Dienstag im Schwimmbad in der Wildwasserrutsche (ich hatte echt viel Speed drauf^^) so dermaßen den Head on the wall of the chute hit: D AHHH it hurt SOOO: D In the meantime, the work placed again (unless I take the place of any) but it has formed thick ne neat bump. Well. Apparently it has to the general amusement of even such inattentive people like me give to which something happens all the time: was D My friend did it anyway pretty funny ^ ^

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Microsoft Bluetooth-notebook-mouse-5000 Pin

Yummy \u0026lt;3




Last night I could wait until then but not to slaughter at last a vanilla bean and bake with it as fine. The result was this vanilla muffins with apple und ein ganz klein wenig Zimt oben drauf. Rezept kommt sicher irgendwann auf Veganes Nom, ich muss es aber noch etwas optimieren, da die Muffins irgendwie ewig gebraucht haben – viel länger als im Rezept angegeben war o.O Aber lecker sind sie geworden und der Vanillegeschmack ist wirklich wunderbar <3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Denise Milano Implants

vanilla Love!






Meine allerersten Vanilleschoten! <3 Sind sie nicht wunderschön? Ich bin ganz verliebt!

Ich wollte schon lange welche haben, da ich ja sehr gerne backe and have read repeatedly that the flavor really makes a huge difference too cheap-vanilla, which I also could imagine, but in the store they were just too expensive. As far as I know will cost the supermarket an approximately 2.60 to 3 € ... I find a bit hard. I've now ordered from Ebay. 50 g for 6.50 including postage. There are 12 pieces, which is only slightly more than 50 cents for one. Is still great, right? I would like to start straight vanilla to bake muffins \u0026lt;3 I think I will do sometime this week then definitely!

I am completely thrilled with the smell of the peppers. Although you can smell clear out vanilla, as they eben aus Lebensmitteln kennt, die wahrscheinlich noch nie echte Vanille gesehen haben, aber dieser Geruch ist trotzdem ganz anders und einfach tausend mal besser. Neben diesem Vanillegeruch ist da auch noch so was ganz würziges zu riechen. Hach. Ich bin wirklich begeistert und wahrscheinlich werde ich jetzt nie wieder was anderes verwenden^^

Habt ihr auch Erfahrungen mit echter Vanille? Ich hab gehört aus den ausgekratzten Schalen kann man dann auch selber guten Vanillezucker machen :) Ich werde natürlich von meinen Erfahrungen berichten, sobald ich welche gesammelt habe ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Happens If Thyroxine Doesnt Work

I never like

this gruesome cold! brrr .... it's soooo cold and everything is gray in gray! What remains a woman, as are other manners to take care of the spring ..... a little bunny, it has become and should ever sit in his nest test!

Furthermore, I'm in the process of retro charms in "egg" shape herumzutüfteln to see Easter with vintage images .... me, what becomes of it.

I wish you all a great week! Best regards Sabine

Brazilian Waxing In Rock Hill

Absolute perfume overkill - or the Yves Rocher order is here ^ ^


Ich hatte euch ja am Donnerstag in DIESEM Post von der Yves Rocher Facebook tells Action, which runs the way until today, and that I have something I ordered:)

Today it finally arrived there, the nice DHL man somehow not necessary was to ring with us, but the package rather gave directly from our neighbors. That's never happened to me. Above all, we live in the EC and our neighbors in the 2 Floor ... can laziness are therefore had no reason: D Well whatever, at least my package is on me ^ ^

My friend has the same got the crisis different in so many fragrances: D But I like them all very, very happy and pleased I already try out again \u0026lt;3


four shower gels I had ordered: cotton flower, cocoa bean, orange and almond \u0026lt;3

cotton flower and almond smell rather decent and somehow a bit of cream. Remember these scents somehow a little bit of grandma: D That's not meant negatively, I find the smells good, but I think Ner granny might like ^ ^ cocoa butter may smell nice creamy and quite for cocoa, but even after something others: D Orange smells nice and fresh and really to orange. Generally, I think, however, that it always smells no difference between natural cosmetic shower gels and shower gels normal, I think NK always smells more natural and "real" this makes it often subtle. If I had to choose one of the two, I would choose natural cosmetics, but fortunately I have not, because the particles here smell so great, all right \u0026lt;3 What I must complain, however, is the clutch, I get the total bad at: D In the shower with wet, slippery hands may be even more difficult ^ ^


Then I had ordered the small still smell 'white peach. " Bring the scent I am also not very natural, but still really good, you just have him first a little bit, 5 minutes or so fly, I think. Then smell he beautiful;)


And the best: The Comme une Evidence perfume \u0026lt;3 I have already and absolutely love it, so I thought it would also chosen in this action as my "for free" items. Usually 50 ml cost 34 Euro I think is in the action which now cost 100 ml then while only 18.50, but even better yet, get the item for free: D

Now I have more than enough supply of my favorite and this will also giant bottle first place nicely packed in a drawer until the other bottle is empty, so that the perfume has also so long and I do not tilt or so ^ ^

I'm definitely happy with my output, for just over 11 € I've since done nothing wrong intended;)

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Woman With Short Neck

for Coconut: a look at your pockets;)

The Love Coconut has tagged me and so I must now show probably my whole bags : D I have quite a few bags (collecting instinct, shame), but I'm trying to reduce my consumption really, as I wrote on Friday, and vow to improve. I now have more than enough even first choice for the next few years ^ ^

not I've photographed all that I own. buried in some boxes and shallows, I have several other (and my taste Stil hat sich halt in meiner Jugend auch ständig gewandelt^^), die ich demnächst mal ausmisten und irgendwie verkaufen oder verschenken werde, aber die, die ich euch jetzt zeige, hängen zur Zeit in meinem Flur und werden auch mehr oder weniger regelmäßig herumgetragen ;)


Fangen wir an mit einem meiner Lieblinge. Diesem Schätzchen. Es ist tatsächlich ein Unikat, denn ich habe es vor 2 Jahren oder so, für ich glaube nicht viel mehr als 10 €, in einem UK Ebay Shop gekauft, in dem 2 nette Damen lauter selbstgenähten Kram verkauft haben. Die Tasche ist winzig klein und ich habe immer Angst, dass ich einen der Anker verliere, wenn ich sie Abends zum Weggehen take with me, so I use them quite rare. But only because I love it so ^ ^


The Ebay is also a relatively new and not soo often. I find them in appearance and totally super Even better: I got them for free. I had complained to the ebay seller because the front has a small hole, see photo, and also soooo smelly disgusting to cigarette smoke is that I almost GE would have ... well: D did I actually expected that the sales person told me NEN small discount there, but he gave me easy and refunded the money and said I can keep it. I found very nice, but a slightly I had a guilty conscience, while I am complaining very friendly! ^ ^


have the I at my 19th Birthday in a medieval Christmas market itself given. I think they are sooo beautiful. As also fits better than a lot in, but it fits containing only tend to subdued outfits, otherwise it looks as fast as a clown: D


My prom handbag: D Yes, you read that right ^ ^ My mom I wanted a and give I've been thinking, I would rather be searchable from one that I wear after that happy when some bimbo part. The bag is small and perfectly to leave, but it fits but much more pure than you think ^ ^ I of this part have sooo loved and worn ever day, unfortunately, now is the zipper is broken and a pit bull puppy has a bite a small hole: D Therefore, it is not so often with it, but is but one of my favorites \u0026lt;3 is the way of H & M, I think € 7 back then and of course it is leather ^ ^


One of my oldest. Nearly 5 years old, from Lindex. I think the store no longer exists. Of course, leather. I have nothing at all in leather I think ^ ^ The case went through a lot, was with me in Prague, where the zipper was broken and then a classmate to me it was indeed started to rise again, but somehow only upside and since then she goes on a bit heavier. Anyway, I love them despite the flaws that she has now and use it often still.


One of my favorite everyday bags. I like the fringe, but I lieeebe pouch pockets. Reminds me somehow of the Middle Ages: D too, fits an amazing amount of pure and I bought them from NEM good six months to replace my beloved but badly worn prom bag from the top ... Even H & M, 7 € or so


One of my newer ones. Primark, 7 €. I like them, it fits much in, but still it is pretty slim. In mid-January bought \u0026lt;3


also Primark, 5 €. Ideal By taking only the most necessary. I drag around with what is probably the most \u0026lt;3


And finally, people like her have done it ^ ^, 2 of my many beloved bag. Yes, I belong to those who replace normal handbags often times against cloth bag. They are just smart, it is what great on it, it can fit inside lots and you can cram into one another to be able to carry around even more: D

So, that's it, I hope it is before you and especially you, like Coconut,;)