Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pci Multimedia Audio Controller Driver

motivation II

Nun hab ich seit fast 3 Wochen nichts mehr von mir verlauten lassen. Ich habe einen neuen Job, der mir die Möglichkeit gibt, den Arbeitsweg in mein Laufprogramm einzubauen. Der Weg dort hin beträgt etwa 7,5 km, so dass ich in den letzten Wochen viele Doubles gemacht habe. Vor knapp 3 Wochen habe ich nach ein paar Hügelsprints plötzlich night problems in the knee get, and then I paused for two days. But since then the training is moving again and I'm so slow moving. Only the issue of weight is still a key position, but still remains for me so some time and really I'm not obese ..

time to blog, general information to the Internet were to me the last few weeks, little or shovel because I also release anything, because my priorities are now different. Finn is thriving, and shortly after he first sat alone, he was able to pull even at the table and stood up. Simply a delight to experience and this is my more important now than to wander through the network or runterzutippen my training!

coming Freitag werde ich vermutlich, so es nicht zu warm wird, 5000 m auf der Bahn laufen und habe einen Anhaltspunkt, wie weit ich auf der Reise zu den sub 2:50 in Essen bin..

So liefen die letzten Wochen:

KW 25
Mo Morgens: 12k@4:55 mit 8*45 bzw. 60 sec Tempo, Abends: 4k@5:23
Di 18k Progression @4:56, Abends Stretching
Mi 11k@5:10 mit 5 Hügelsprints
Do 17k steady @4:26
Fr 8k@5:26, Abends Stretching+Sonnengebet+Planks
Sa 28k Progression, hügelig@4:59, Abends Stretching
So Morgens 10k@5:28, Abends 7k@5:16+Lauf ABC
Gesamt: 115 km

KW 26
Mo -
Di -
Mi Morgens 2k@5:32, Evening @ 5:15 14k 19k
Thurs @ 4:49 pace with 60-90-120-120-60-90-120-120 sec
Fri 5k @ 5:19 15k actually planned, but the heat was unbearable to work Sat
30k @ 5:05 - at 6:00 from the house to make tolerable killed. Then tomorrow evening strengthening
12k @ 5:30, Dinner @ 5:22
6k total: 90 km week 27

Mon morning @ 4:58 15k with 6 * 500 m hill repeats. Hard! Evening: 7.6 7.6 k @ k @ 5:09
Tues 5:16 Wed morning
7.6 k @ 5:27, evening @ 4:41 15k with 2 * 15 min HM-load
Thu Morning 5k @ 5: 23 28k run with ABC, Dinner @ 5:16
7.6 k Fr @ 5:09, because of predicted heat of the WE in quickly down Friday night.
Sat morning 7.6 k @ 5:17, Dinner @ 5:04 9k - unbearably hot!
Sun 10k @ 5:11, strengthening
total: 120 km

week 28
Mon morning @ 4:44 with 15k 4 * 5 min 10k load, Dinner @ 5:32 5k, some yoga
Tues morning Progression @ 19k 4:57, Dinner @ 5:21
7,5 k 9k Wed morning @ 5:16 with hill sprints, Dinner 7.8 k @ 5:12
Thurs @ 4:57 18k progression in 73% HF (the first time in weeks with chest strap)
Fri 5:09 @ 10k 32k
Sat @ 5:02
7k then tomorrow @ 5:40, Dinner @ 5:04 9k + something running ABC, Planks, yoga
total: 140 km


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