Monday, September 14, 2009

Kindle Need American Credit Card

The squat, your friend and helper. by Tom H.

In the coming days / weeks, I imagine euch drei der wichtigsten Übungen – Kniebeugen, Bankdrücken und Kreuzheben – etwas näher vor. Umsetzen, div. Coreübungen oder Isolationsübungen erfüllen zwar auch eine wichtige Funktion, jedoch muss zuerst die Basis stimmen. Ein Athlet, der es (noch) nicht schafft sein eigenes Körpergewicht mehrfach sauber(!) zu beugen, sollte noch keine Gedanken an das technisch relativ schwierige Umsetzen verschwenden.

Die Kniebeuge ist aus mehreren Gründen für einen Footballspieler unverzichtlich, vor allem für Offense- und Defenseliner. Schon mal ein Auto geschoben? Welche Körperpartie verrichtet den Hauptteil work: the upper or lower body? After the point is clarified (hopefully), there is a second aspect comes to the injury-prevention. The squat is not just an exercise for the thighs, but also for rear-fuselage and a strong body is essential for a healthy back. If you give a longer "Football Career" anpeilt, there is no alternative to regular weight training. The third reason is purely aesthetic bodybuilder torso and stork legs do not match. Maximum at Baywatch.

The following tips are important issues that need to be considered for squats! If someone known to occur, there is here an excerpt from an article by Dave Tate (info's about him you can google), the translation of bipolar, former K3K'ler. # play/user/9B01261357546D33/2/FQAKiF_DM_0 v = WDa34zWwMgA

# 1: Broad Stand!

If you have bent so far with a close state, then alternate to a broad standard, if you believe you lean close already with a wide stance, then move your feet a bit further out. If you bend a broader level you have better leverage for the crook. The distance between the knees and hips is simply greater in close state, also longer - resulting in a more difficult bend.

Do you use a broad level you shorten the path and you also increase the load on the glutes, hamstrings and lower back. These are the large muscles move weights! During flexion, the toes pointing forward or be inclined slightly. That's a hell of muscle tension generated in the hips and the gluteus - you'll have trouble with the downward movement. But precisely this tension creates a crazy drag with which you can then explode from the bottom of position. This is the basis for the bar to give speed.

Note: The state should be at least slightly wider than shoulder width! Is the state too narrow, the lower back "upset" at the deepest point, which go up in a messy technique and a very heavy burden on spine and knees out.

# 2: tension in the back!

you have the necessary power to develop your lower back straight can be. The back must remain straight the whole movement (in the article is even talk of an "arch" = bridge). In the moment you "soft in the back" will, the bar will begin to drift forward and thus out of the natural movement. If the bar moves once over the toes you will lose your footing and you will find at the end of the floor again. The bar must remain close to the hips and getting away from the toes!

You also need to always push your shoulder blades together and your elbows should face forward. This is necessary to maintain the necessary tension in the upper back - so it stays in the correct position. Remember - the whole movement by the shortest distance between two points a straight line, therefore the weight always be in the correct position!

If you have the elbow to the back (towards back) press, the bar itself is again moving forward again and you will find yourself on the ground - this time with grazed the back.

# 3: Press the knees out!

Do you remember the wide level? You have to make sure that you hit your knees the whole movement by the outside - also you should shift the weight slightly on the Außenfuß. The excitement is replaced in the hips. Specifically recommended for: Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars!

Note: shift weight to the Außenfuß -> the heels throughout the movement to the ground! Is that not the case, the knee walk forward -> the knees should at any point on the squat stand on tiptoe!

# 4: Push your head against the bar!

This does not mean that you have to look up. You should gerade nach vorne sehen und deinen Kopf in deinen Trapezius drücken. Dein Körper folgt immer deinem Kopf – deshalb solltest du darauf achten, dass sich der Kopf nach hinten (!) in die Hantel bewegt. Übrigens: auch bei einem „Steher“ sollte die erste Reaktion folgende sein: Kopf nach hinten in die Hantel drücken!

Anm.: bzw. mit den Augen nach oben sehen.

# 5: Die Hüften bewegen sich vor den Knien! (in der Abwärtsbewegung)

Wenn sich die Knie als erstes bewegen, dann ist der Bewegungsablauf eine ganz gerader nach unten. Wir vorher besprochen, muss die Spannung in den Gluteus, den Hüften und den Beinbizepsen liegen. Diese Muskeln bewegen große Gewichte – nicht die Quadrizepse!

Denk darüber nach: Warum kann ein Athlet der leicht 200 kg olympisch beugt nicht auch 330 kg beugen? Ein Powerlifter, der leicht 330 beugt kann auch leicht 200 kg olympisch beugen. Das ist deswegen, weil ein olympischer Athlet nicht den Rücken, nicht die Gluteus oder die nötigen Beinbizepse hat um 330 kg kontrollieren zu können. Auf deutsch: Quadrizepse sind nicht so wichtig für schweres Beugen!

# 6: Box-Beugen!

Es gibt viele Vorteile der Box-Beuge. Erstens: du kannst dich noch extremer as you could do it without having to reset. This is the rear leg muscles even more extreme claims. Second, you'll always know how deep you go down. It is recommended to choose as a standard a box which is about 3 cm below parallel high. Third, breaking box-Bend subdivision in eccentric and concentric movement - this is the best way to build speed and explosiveness. Fourth, the box is ideal to learn the proper technique. You should learn to be their right to "back", "the curve" to share.

Note: do not click the box and "resting" never lose the tension in the trunk! Not even the upper body lean back (as it is usual when one sits on a chair), and kept the angle -> as you go down to the bend, so you go high!

# 7: Learn to use your belly!

You have to really learn to suck air into your belly. Inhale as much as possible in your stomach then spun in your abdominal muscles and push them to the outside (against the belt, if you use one). If your shoulder blades move when you hit the inhaled air is not in the stomach but in the chest - pay attention!

This technique gives you more power in the central region - also increases the chest and you have a broader basis.

Note: A belt should only serious attempt in the range of 1-3 repetitions (or about 90% of the maximum weight - otherwise> is on each! ) use. The reason is that the belt is supported, on the other hand, the work takes away from the trunk area -> which in extreme cases has the result that just "wither away" these muscles (especially in comparison to the rest of the body) and back pain hervorrufen.


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