A few superficial words in preparation for the American Football
can generally be divided to prepare for the season in two parts: the physical and mental.
The physical part of leg holds his body to the rigors of a season to prepare, prepare the tool body for peak performance. A season can be long and tedious and the better you are prepared, the lower the likelihood of injury and bring the more likely to perform well. You can not believe they can play well if you can not muster the strength to perform various techniques .
The most important physical Qualities that one can train themselves are strength and endurance, this time for the season probably over already, but in the last 3 months to start of the season can still be a better situation (injury prevention, explosiveness, etc. ...) to create .
The mental part is often underestimated or even ignored. Who does not know what to do can bring no benefit , with the wrong attitude and good benefits are also very unlikely. To prepare is to know the moves, not to learn but more than to know by heart, so we know what I do and what others do in my unit (DL, OL, LB, DB ....).
No half measures: Know before each rep, before every move what you have to do is and without compromise to , if it was wrong you will inform the coaches already on it, but full use will never be criticized ! Knowing
what to do is the first step to implement it!
At the American Football Training is hard work. It is important to learn techniques to improve, adapt. The fun of football is the game if you implement the things from the training properly. In the training can be fun, but you should be aware sein warum man beim Training ist, sonst verschwendet man seine und noch schlimmer die Zeit der anderen.
Kommt mit guter Laune und der Einstellung zu Arbeiten zum Training und gute Dinge werden passieren!
LG Flo
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