In the long run breaks it usually comes in some strange ideas. I, for one. The idea that one day run an ultra marathon is to time, have long since, so far but that was planned for the distant future. But somehow I like the idea of time to try it with longer matters. It should not have to be 100 km, but the feeling of having overcome a 80 times, I like that.
I will run next year, a very early marathon and after some research I've made my decision, the Rennsteig Super Marathon to take under his feet.
My current training is quite satisfactory. I am currently again reached about 120 km. I run purely on time and takes me quite a bit of forced compliance. I walk by but also faster.
My other plan provides mid-December, a three-to four-week hill phase. The new years skiing in the winter and Oeversee run series in Drelsdorf I will then incorporate into my "anaerobic phase. Tempo units will in future take place in less training than in competition, so this is possible.
what else is new? Finn, is making the first small steps. From Thursday Visiting again a Kundalini yoga class. And for the Internet lacks the time, but also leisure. There are just more important.
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