Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What To Wear First Date Ice Skating

Sewn ...

I finally holidays, yeah: D And I today's first day off and used directly to start the execution of my looong To-Do list for the holidays ... This morning I

the kitchen cabinets with the inventories cleared, I cleaned out now everything is sorted and generally much clearer and there is more space. Good. Now the amount of inventories only to fall even to a normal level (I have a tendency to hoard, (blessed my friend ^ ^) but improving) and all is well. I'm only happy times as it is.

external order does my chaotic mind that is really good;)

This evening I have felt for ages once again sewn. I'm so about 2 years old get a sewing machine from my grandma and I have given them but a little neglected lately. I actually love sewing much, but very clever, I am not, unfortunately, because of species-some sewing projects often times aaargh in frustration and * *, and then I got it for now for a while do not feel the little machine:) Now I want to but sometimes ranwagen again and have chosen for the beginning of a particularly light-section: that of a tote bag, you can contact:) I love tote bags and carry them in their daily lives is therefore of the offered so ... I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome, although it is far from perfect and suuuper clean did I not working but everything is all a matter of practice and next time I have a set square: D

Use I have the way this (English) INSTRUCTIONS

As you find the bag? And you also like to sew? :)








Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Filmes De Insesto Italiano

Vintage Easter eggs part 1

here are the promised pictures of my Easter eggs!

front & using a small hand-made Easter basket!
back - Book Page 1872

front Vintage Girl
back angels

front Vintage Girl
Vintage Girl with Rabbit
bunny behind Rosen
Vintage Egg

so, the was the first part, tomorrow ............. follows the second part! Best regards Sabine

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bnclient.dll Diablo Ii


fresh eggs, here is the next day! with vintage pictures or old books and soldered pendants are nice ......... more photos to follow. How you like them?

Best regards Sabine

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bra Size Yogeeta Bali

seconds sleep ...

aww, this is song so sooo wonderful!

Office 2007 Aktivasyon Wizard

such a joy

such a joy I have with this cross! Today I have finished it ....... old paper from a "teaching devotional book from the year 1872", clear plates, solder and soldering iron, and now my heart is glad in it!
I should mention, nor necessarily that I like such a cross in front of her for ages long have views on a blog and it has not let me leave, but unfortunately I can not remember the name anymore. In recent days I am then on the Internet to various types of smart cross made and I did not know what a wonderful forms, there are of them. Certainly some of them are created with me and then find they are in my shop .

I've even been noted briefly in my old post, a couple of eggs it should be, once something completely different! There are beautiful photos there until next week, so for now just a small taste!

I wish you a nice Sunday! Best regards Sabine

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Acceptable Limits Of Bilrubin

The hand is still there;)

I just could relieve me of my own bar, yay! :) I've now taken 3 days and it was in between annoying, but really necessary, because cat bites can be really dangerous if you do not treat it can be. This may mean that the hand must be cut completely, it can possibly remain stiff and there are even cases where people have a hand or finger completely lost (although I guess there that the bites and they are much much worse the doctor was too late). For me at least so far everything went well, it has been through the complete Immobilization of the arm without antibiotics ignite anything and it has become much better, just move the fingers yet, but it will come if I'm good practice;) I had a whole really lucky;) Then go on Wednesday but also again to check out:)

is also very good, letting me off the track today, because we will go straight to a carnival party. I'm not Karnevalsfan, but you have indeed socialize times and the party line (Rhytmusgymnastik), there are the rest of the year and is always very funny:) Also, the DJ in the good mood is there too: D And some others I mostly but not ... know Well, no doubt will be funny :)

I wish you a beautiful Saturday and say goodbye to an old picture that I made some years ago (one of the few that I had obtained after hard drive crash ^ ^)

is Früüüüüühling! \u0026lt;3


Friday, March 4, 2011

Gx620 Windows 7 Sound

Wipe mouth

Husum Marathon is not even started, but for me he is already history. Yesterday I wondered whether I still perceive a new appointment in a week or two, but I just can not motivate a hard marathon again. I was motivated to Husum in the first place because it is the state championship, but there is until next year a chance to catch up.

I will now devote themselves fully to the Rennsteig. Regeneration deleted, so I stay close to 11 weeks of preparation. Among other things, I will in two weeks on the Outer Alster Ultra Marathon, about 51 km. Furthermore, it will be another training run over 50 km. In between a few competitions, hilly long runs and speed training in the form of fartlek and hill units on the mood. There will be more rest days, probably 2 weeks and will be on those days worked at home in strength, stability and agility. Running ABC will also take place regularly.

Autumn is still far and I still do not know where and if I run a marathon. Lübeck with another account is open, Bremen would be interesting to Lucerne would irritate me the most. Option would also be a 50k run in Bottrop, but I do not know yet and will not know it yet.

I hope I can at least provide an update once a week. The comments of the last time I was very gefreut und wenn ich weiß, dass dem ein oder anderem das Lesen hier gefällt oder sogar hilfreich sein kann, dann motiviert das um so mehr!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Suggest Name For Group Of Friends

Thursday ...

..Nachmittag. Noch 2 Tage... Halskratzen! Nase läuft! Scheisse! Scheisse!

Nachtrag Freitag, 04.03: Kann nicht mehr schlafen, ich hab einen riesen Schädel und vermutetes Fieber. Den Lauf morgen schmink ich mir ab. Schade, es wären die Landesmeisterschaften gewesen und die Teilnehmerliste sah keine übermächtige Konkurrenz. Ein Landesmeistertitel wäre nicht unrealistisch gewesen, aber dann eben im nächsten Jahr. Übernächste Woche hab ich eine Woche Urlaub und überlege, was ich da noch machen kann. Hier gibts keine Wettkämpfe, that would be interesting. Maybe I'll find another marathon or half .. I have to keep in mind, of course, only the Rennsteig! If anyone has tips on how to extend a "partially used" tapering to one to two weeks, let me know!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Heys Have A Warehouse Outlet

else to do nothing?

typical once again ....... I is 8.07 clock and I have nothing better to do than with Photoshop to play around "............. .... but is now "restoration" is announced, getting a round with the dog and then off to the business ........... so high today I visit my aunt ......... ........... not seen for ages and I am looking forward to!

Best regards Sabine

Convert Clip Earrings To Pierced Earrings

Until further notice ... EDIT!

my right arm is splinted. Tap with the left is really tedious. If I'm sooooo lucky, the rail is coming tomorrow or the day off again, wait and see. Have also learn Tuesday ne must review and then the next day a little quieter vlt. gibts then almost only first photos. Drückt mir die Däumchen für Hand und Prüfung :)

Für alle die gefragt haben was mit dem Arm ist….Eigentlich hats nur den Zeigefinger erwischt. Oder eher gesagt: ER! Das blöde Kater Viech hier drunter auf den Fotos. Richtige Katzenbisse können verdammt gefährlich werden (im schlimmsten Fall und bei nicht-behandeln verliert man den Finger, also hab ichs lieber gleich behandeln lassen^^) Wird schon wieder werden, muss den Finger nur halt ruhig halten…

IMG_4168 IMG_7473

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best Golf Grips For Big Hands

The cat has tested: SHATLER

Die Firma Shatler´s stellt Instant Cocktails aus der Dose her und hat Blogger dazu invited to apply to them for a small test suite. Since I always have great fun in testing and cocktails totaaal love, of course I also took part. The link to the blogger action can be found here: CLICK

My package arrived very quickly with me and contained in addition to a manual and 2 postcards 2 very nice, fairly large cocktail glasses and 2 of the canned cocktails, the varieties I was allowed to me before choose;)


My cat loves cocktails We oO they constantly had to stop them, as to fish in, of course, are also a few funny photos were taken ^ ^

I chose tequila Sunrise and Sex on the Beach held the other varieties you can you are interested, look on the website and, yes, there is also alcohol-free:) The cocktails come in a cardboard box, you should shake properly before opening, then the content poured into the cocktail glass, you should fill in the first 250 g of ice, according to my info is in the can taste the cocktail to be concentrated around and "watered down" must be. We have also made good and then came out these 2 lovely cocktails:


Visually, however, hardly any distinction, but that will not be safe for all grades so I'm probably more by chance 2 Similar chosen. But they look pretty already out times.

Then came the taste test and I must say that I was really skeptical at first whether something can taste at all ^ ^ I was quite surprised, because the cocktails are really yummy taste. I found them quite strong, however, and especially when Tequila Sunrise I would have maybe a little less alcohol desired. Not because the alcohol would bother me, but if it is too much, you can taste delicious, unfortunately, less and less of the remaining ingredients. Let us therefore first determine: Tasty, but for my taste a little too much. For me, turned

especially the question of whether I would find the cocktails as good as freshly made. I am of the opinion that good, freshly made cocktails are not to exceed just though one should perhaps not compare too much, because for really great cocktails are going so well in a cocktail bar (and will pay depending on where goes to a bit to much more) and since then also expected that the cocktails are fresh. The SHATLER's Cocktails at least I would not drink when I go out, but just at home or with friends. I make cocktails at home and if you like to own the plan, then I can imagine that even the taste of the instant cocktail proposes. The cocktail making is, at least for me have come a few times in the pants, it has not simply tasted particularly, and not as it should taste like, or the cocktails looked very weird ^ ^ It is therefore crucial to the cocktail variety, and whether one's hat on it: D

I think the cocktails SHATLER's perfect for an evening at home or with friends , for example if any wants to drink another cocktail or simply has no interest in the work to make yourself a cocktail, just because other things are in the foreground. If the cocktail that is in focus of the evening is, making him rather then himself, because the mix makes itself so fun, but wenn es eben kein reiner Cocktail Abend, sondern z.B. eine normale Party werden soll, dann finde ich die Shatler´s Cocktails wesentlich praktischer, eben weils unschlagbar schnell geht und man viele Sorten zur Auswahl hat und lecker schmecken tuts ja auch :)


Fazit: Die Cocktails sind lecker und wegen der großen Auswahl an Sorten und weil sie sofort einsatzbereit sind extrem praktisch. Einen richtigen Cocktail Abend oder einen Besuch in einer guten Cocktailbar könnten sie für mich nicht ersetzten, aber zu anderen Gelegenheiten finde ich sie dafür ideal! (Ich trinke so etwas nämlich wesentlich lieber als Bier, Sekt, Alcopops etc^^)

Die Cocktails cost in SHATLER's Online Shop Incidentally 2.98 (plus shipping) ... I find not totally favorable, but actually quite okay. In some markets you can buy drinks too, but I think it would be as well if these stores were sown a little closer. In Cologne, truly no small town, I've found using the search function on the homepage only 3 shops where these particles are buying and which are all less than 6 km away from me. Just for that I would probably rather not go as far or very rarely even so it would be great if you could buy the cocktails soon in many more drinks markets or large supermarkets, I then think many would also like to try it once;)

I thank the company's SHATLER hereby again very much for allowing me to try the cocktails, my friend and I had lots of fun:)


Oh yes. And my cat, of course: rumschubbeln D

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Supermarket South Park

Today's Cocktails times only Cat-content



The Rack = favorite pastime








Habt einen schönen Sonntag!